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By Justen Grech
Founding Attorney

The Social Security Administration follows strict guidelines when determining whether or not an individual is considered “disabled” and can, therefore, receive benefits. This is why it’s to your advantage to have a lawyer on your side who can help you to navigate the process. At Grech Law Firm, we can help you to determine whether or not you qualify for disability benefits such as SSD or SSI.

Do I Qualify For Disability Benefits?

To qualify for SSD or Social Security Disability Insurance, you must first be deemed disabled by the Social Security Administration. In addition, you must also have paid a high enough amount in Social Security taxes and worked a minimum of five of the last 10 years from the day you were determined disabled. SSI, or Supplemental Security Income, is a needs-based program. To qualify, one must not only be considered disabled but also receive a limited income.

Qualification Questions

If you’re wondering whether or not you qualify for SSD or SSI disability benefits, start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Am I currently receiving Social Security benefits?
  • Do I expect to be out of work for at least 12 months?
  • Am I currently working?
  • When is the last time I worked?
  • Am I receiving any form of treatment from a doctor?

Call Grech Law Firm to Find Out if You’re Qualified

If you think you may be qualified to receive disability benefits, Grech Law Firm is here to help you get started. The process of winning benefits is complex and is not something you should try to take on alone. From submitting an application to the appeal process and court proceedings, Grech Law Firm is here for you every step of the way. Call 586-203-3125 to get started!

About the Author
At Grech Law Firm Attorney & Counselor, I want to make sure you get the benefits you deserve. That’s why I stand by my clients during every step of the process. From application to appeal, I am here for you whether you’re ready to apply or have been denied. If you or someone you know has become injured or ill, it’s time to take action and become aware of your benefit options. Applying for disability benefits can be a long and complicated process, so trying to navigate it alone can be stressful. Having a trusted lawyer by your side can provide you with peace of mind. As an experienced attorney, I can help you to determine whether or not you qualify to receive benefits, as well as navigate you through the application and appeals process.